Business Brunch - Chris Johnson: Why Small Businesses Fail and How To Change That
Why Small Businesses Fail and How To Change That
Could you say TODAY that you, your company or your family are where you truly want to be? If you're like most of us you would have to say NO to that question. Most businesses struggle with Leadership and Sales. My question to you is, are you sick of going through the motions and just hoping a change will happen? IT WANT! Change has to be deliberate and intentional. My goal today is to help you see that Listening, having Empathy and being able to Communicate more effectively will transform your life in EVERY area.
Would it be unreasonable for you to arrange your schedule so that you have the ability to join us at this once in a lifetime event. Oh I literally mean once in a lifetime because this event with these people on this exact day will only happen once and it could be the event that gives you the idea that transforms the rest of your life. Giving you the power to influence and lead people into journeys they never perceived.

Date and Time
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
203 Main Street
Conway, SC 29526